Duke nisur nga dita e hene, 4 gusht 2014, Interneti do te jete i disponueshem edhe ne fshatin turistik të Thethit. Kjo behet e mundur fale nje bashkepunimi me kompanine “starsat.al” dhe investimit te Villa Gjecaj njeres prej bujtinave me te frekuentuara te zones. Deri me sot pergjigja ndaj kerkeses normale te mysafireve tane te huaj ndaj disponibilitetit te internetit Wi-fi ishte nje ‘Jo’ e keqardhur qe bente te ndihesh larg botes dhe teknologjise. Tashme ajo do te pranishme prane Villa Gjecaj dhe e vazhdim prane cdo bujtine tjeter qe do doje te kete kete sherbim kundrejt nje pagese te arsyeshme.
Interneti do te jete falas per te gjithe mysafiret e Villa Gjecaj, Qender – Theth. http://thethi-guide.com/sq/interneti-falas-ne-theth/
Starting from this Monday, August 4 2014, wi-fi will be availableeven at the touristic village of Thethi. This was made possible thanks to the cooperation of “starsat.al” Company and the investment ofVilla Gjecaj, one of the most frequented guesthouses of the area. Till now the simple answer to the normal request for wi-fi to our guests was a regret ‘No’ that makes you feel away from the world and technology. Now this will be possible at Villa Gjecaj and than at any other guesthouse that would like to have this service under a reasonable payment.
Wi-Fi will be offered for free to all of Villa Gjecaj’s guests/ visitors/ tourists.
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