14 marzo 2013

ITB Berlin 2013, How Mobile and Social Media Can Influence Tourism Development? The panel discusses the experience gathered in Albania.

Published on Mar 13, 2013
The new media have produced innovative ways how ordinary citizens and experts can participate in shaping the development of regions or whole countries. They can trigger topics, point out problems and nourish established media with crucial aspects. These fascinating mechanisms have a significant potential for conveying progress especially in emerging economies. The panel discusses the experience gathered in Albania.


Gerd Otto-Rieke (moderator)

Gerd Otto-Rieke is Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook "Contemporary Travel Management" and the text book series "Travel Management Aktuell". He was Editor-in-Chief of various travel management publications before.

Brikena Arapaj

Brikena Arapaj is General Manager of the Albanian National Tourism Agency. She startet her career as program coordinator and supervisor of the Sociological Research Institute. After that she worked for Sat-Plus satellite company and NRG Multimedia/Radio Energy (NRG). Between September 2008 and August 2012 she was media adviser to the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management and Ministry of Defence.

Elvis Kotherja

Elvis Kotherja is General Manager of Elite Travel DMC in Albania. His company has been appointed as a ground handling management office from many inbound tour operators from Germany, France and the Asian market (Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea). He attended many international fairs, conferences and workshops focused on tourism. He is member of the Albanian Tourism Association (ATA) and member of Arbitrage Board, also member of the VET committee of the County Council of Elbasan. Elvis Kotherja has a degree in Business Administration (Marketing) and works in the travel industry since 1999.

Jerina Shmilli
Jerina Shmilli is Sales Manager of Tirana International Hotel & Conference Center, which is the largest venue of its kind in Albania. She has been working there for 6 years now. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Language and a Master Degree in Business Administration and works in the hospitality industry since 2007..

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