Journey in Albania - to help the research on Breast Cancer
Starting in May 2013
Six weeks journey to Albania from the northernmost point Vermosh and southern point Konispol. Everyone is welcome to help in this cause.
ACTIVITY (English)
Spring activity is organizer from Mr. Florian Merepeza, which in this journey will be the main driver, along with qualified staff consisting of four persons.
Journey 6-week permeating northern Albania from the highest pointVermosh up in Southern extreme peaks Konispol, will include the eastern part of Albania. A detailed project will have maps andrelevant details, including, routes to be followed, camping and stopsthrough Albanian hostels. All this according to a program that will be prepared as soon as topographic maps of the length of this journeyis drawn.
Activity is open and can participate Albanians and foreigners beingregistered for as many days as they wish to be part of that journey,through a daily fee, but they can not participate for a period of less than 5 days. Foreign participants will have the opportunity to getacquainted with the nature of the beautiful virgin Albania, hospitalityand traditional Albanian cuisine. Transportation from the airport ofPristina or Tirana will be included in the price that they will pay.
Price to be partof this activity is €70/day
Departure at 03 of May, 2013
The benefits of this activity will go for the treatment of breast cancerAlbanian woman. Being that it is an activity that is first of its kind in Albania Albania Bushkraft welcomes any sponsorship opportunitiesthat will make possible this activity. The following will be familiar with the project idea that will serve to assess whether you might be asponsor of this event to be and you part of our target.
Bushcraft staff that will be present throughout the duration of this activity is composed of:
Florian Merepeza – Travel Planning and First Aid
Endrit Shima – Navigator Basics and Finding Direction
Enis Shehu – Camping
Ilir Nanaj – Crafting
Albi Pina – Running and Safe Camp
This staff will be equipped with all the necessary tools required forthis activity, like:
Sleeping bags, tends, first aid kit, gas bottle, water purifier, basic survival kid,
bushcraft tools, camping tools.
Necessary equipment for the participants in this activity :
Sleeping bag, tend, cooking equipment, dishes and pots and emergency shelter.
Food supply:
Wild food by hunting, camp food and traditional food
Aktiviteti Pranvere 2013 ka per organizator z. Florian Merepeza, i cili ne kete rrugetim do te jete dhe drejtuesi kryesor, sebashku me nje staf te kualifikuar te perbere prej kater personash.
Rrugetimi 6 – javor qe pershkon Shqiperine nga pika me larte e veriut Vermosh deri ne piken me ekterme te jugut Konispol, do te perfshije pjesen lindore te Shqiperise. Nje projekt me i detajuar do te kete hartat si dhe detajet perkatese, ku perfshihen, rruget qe do ndiqen, kampingjet dhe ndalesat neper bujtinat shqipetare. Te gjitha keto sipas nje programi qe do te pergatitet pasi te jete perpiluar harta topografike e gjatesise se ketij rrugetimi.
Aktiviteti eshte i hapur dhe mund te marrin pjese shqiptare dhe te huaj duke u rregjistruar per aq dite sa ata deshirojne te jene pjese e ketij rrugetimin, nepermjet nje pagese ditore ku perfshihet ushqimi, fjetja dhe guida, por nuk mund te marrin pjese per nje periudhe me pak se 5 dite. Pjesemarresit e huaj do te kene mundesine te njihen me natyren e bukur e te virgjer te Shqiperise, me mikpritjen dhe guzhinen tradicionale te shqipetareve. Transporti i tyre nga aeroporti i Prishtines apo i Tiranes do te jete i perfshire ne cmimin qe ata do te paguajne.
Cmimi per te qene pjese e ketij aktiviteti eshte € 70.00 dita
Dita e nisjes 3 Maj 2013
Perfitimet e ketij aktiviteti do te shkojne per kurimin e kancerit te gjirit te gruas shqipetare. Duke qene se eshte nje aktivitet i pari ne llojin e tij ne Shqiperi Albania Bushkraft mirepret cdo mundesi sponsorizimi qe do te beje te mundur kete Aktivitet. Ne vijim do te njheni me projekt iden qe do te sherbej per te vleresuar nese mund te jeni sponsor te ketij Aktiviteti duke u bere dhe Ju pjese e qellimit tone.
About Bushcraft
Bushcraft is about surviving and thriving in the natural environment, and the acquisition of ancient skills and knowledge to do so. Bushcraft skills include; firecraft, tracking, hunting, fishing, shelter building, the use of tools such as knives and axes, foranging, hand-carving wood, container construction from natural materials, rope and twine-making, and many others. These are the kinds of skills well known to our ancestors, many of which are still practiced today as an everyday skill amongst aboriginal and native peoples around the world.
Albania - Bushcraft
Albania Bushkraft si e vetmja Shoqeri ne kete fushe, ka organizuar disa aktivitete, ne stine dhe vende te ndryshme perreth dy vjet. Ne keto aktivitete pjesmarresit kane pasur mundesine te njihen jo vetem me natyren e eger dhe te virgjer te Shqiperise por te mesojne se si mund te mbijetosh ne kete natyre duke e shfrytezuar ate. Bushkraft eshte nje form aktiviteti ne natyre qe cdokujt i ofron mundesine te marr njohuri se si te mbijetoj dhe te bashkejetoj me natyren pa e ndryshuar ate.
Ke deshire te njohesh Bushcraft ? Atehere Je i Mirepritur.
Contact us ;
You can also contact us directly by using the form below:
Mobile UK : +447880319358
Phone AL : +3552237767
Mobile AL : +355696810496
Mobile AL : +355673099802
email :
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