Programi Turistik „ Aventure ne Bjeshket e Alpeve Shqiptare „ Program 6 dite e 5 nete.
(Ky program ofrohet per turistet e apasionuar mbas ecjeve ne kembe dhe ngjitjeve malore-treiking dhe hiking)
Dita e Pare: Nisja nga Tirana ne
drejtim te Tropojes me autobus. Udhetimi mund te preferohet ne dy
variante : nga Lugina e Komanit me tragetin e linjes Koman – Fierze, ose
nga Tuneli dhe Autostrada ne rrugen e Kombit. Mberritja ne Tropojen e
Vjeter. Akomodimi ne shtepijat e fshatit Tropoje. Darka dhe Fjetja ne
Dita e Dyte: Mengjesi ne Tropojen
e Vjeter. Grupi turistik i organizuar per marshim, nen shoqerimin e
pilotit vendor dhe me dy kuaj ngarkese niset per udhetim gjate grykes se
lumit te Tropojes me ndalesa e pushime. Te keshillueshme jane pushimet
tek Mulliri i Gradit, tek Pushimi i Bjeshktarve (burim), ne Shtrejtin e
Lumes, Roga e Pojanes etj. Grupi Turistik arrin ne Sylbice, ne tellen
„Rrasa e Sylbices”, akomodohet ne stane blegtoresh,( stanet e Halil
Qerimit). Darka dhe Fjetja ne Sylbice.
Dita e Trete: Mengjesi ne Tellen
“Rrasa e Sylbices”. Mbas disa vizitash turistike dhe panoramike ne
destinacionet e bukura te bjeshkeve, grupi turistik nen shoqerimin e
pilotit vendor dhe me dy kuaj ngarkese, niset per ne fshatin Cerem. Te
keshillueshme jane pushimet ne Qafen e Doberdolit, liqenin e Dashit,
pyjet e Koshutices, Piramida 25 etj. Nga kjo pikete nepermjet territorit
malazes dhe shtegut te Qafes se Vermices zbresim ne Cerem. Ne Cerem
akomodohemi ne bujtinen e Robert Ismajlisufaj. Darka dhe Fjetja ne
Dita e Katert: Mengjesi ne Cerem.
Grupi turistik, nen shoqerimin e pilotit vendor niset ne kembe, me disa
ndalesa dhe pushime nga Ceremi ne stanet e M. Mustafes, nga bjeshka e
Derzhanes arrijme piramiden 19 ne Qafen e Borit dhe nepermjet Qafes se
Borit, livadhet e Zaranices zbresim ne Vuthaj te Malit te Zi. Nga
Vuthajt me nje minibus lokal bejme transferte per ne Guci, ku
akomodohemi ne Bujtinen e Hal Gjonbalajt tek Krojet apo ne hotelin e Uk
Gjonbalajt ne Gusi. Darka dhe Fjetja ne Gusi.
Dita e Peste: Mengjesi ne Guci–
Mali i Zi. Nen shoqerimin e pilotit vendor kthehemi nga Gucia per ne
Vuthaj me destinacion Valbonen por ne nje drejtim tjeter malor. Bejme
vizita turistike ne mrekullite e natyres ne Vuthaj, ne kataraktin
nentoksor ( Gerla ) dhe ne burimin natyror ( Syri i kalter ). Pastaj
devijojme udhen ne drejtim te postes se vjeter kufitare malazeze. Duke
vazhduar me ngjitje ne shtigje malore kalojme nga shtegu afer Majes se
Rosit – piketa 18 ne Qafen e Valbones dhe nga Lugu i Perzllopit
zbresim ne Kukaj. Me ndihmen e nje minibuz lokal bejme rrugen deri ne
Fushen e Gjese, ku akomodohemi ne bujtinen „ Burimet e Valbones” tek
Mirash Pellumbi. Darka dhe Fjetja ne Valbone.
Dita e Gjashte: Mengjesi ne
Fushen e Gjese – Valbone. Grupi Turistik pas nje shetitje e relaksi ne
Valbone ben kthimin per B.Curr me minibus lokal neper luginen e
Valbones. Keshillojme nje pushim per foto ne Dragobi, Klysyre apo ne
Shtrejtin e Valbones. Ne B. Curr marrim linjen e autobuzit per ne
Tirane ku mberrijme ne mbremje, duke e mbylluar kete program aventure
fantastike ne Bjeshket Shqiptare.
6 dite
ecje me kembe, dhe aktivitete te ndryshme.
Cmimi i ofruar eshte 23 mije lek te reja ose 165 euro per person kur grupi eshte mbi 10 persona.
I. Ne Kete Program Turistik jane parashikuar :
1. Akomodimi per 5 nete ne bujtina e stane me sherbim gjysem pension (darka,fjetja,mengjesi)
2. Dreka e pregatitur Lunch-paket
3. Shoqerues gjate gjithe rrugekalimit me pilot lokal per 4 dite: diten e dyte, diten e trete, diten e katert, diten e peste.
4. Shoqerim me kuaj ngarkese ne diten e dyte dhe ne diten e trete.
5. Transport bagazhesh nga Ceremi per ne Valbone ne diten e peste.
6. Transporti me minibus ne diten e gjashte nga Valbona ne B.Curr
II. Nuk perfshihen ne kete pakete turistike:
1. Transporti me linjen publike Tirane – Tropoje
2. Transporti me linjen publike B.Curr - Tirane
3. Sherbime shtese ne Vuthaj ( transport, argetim etj)
Tropoje e vjeter, rrasa e Sylbices, Cerem, Guci- Mali i Zi, Fusha e Gjase Valbone.
Na kontaktoni;
Sondor Travel
Rr. Bulevardi "Zog I", ngjitur me Veve Center
View Larger Map
Keni nje pyetje ose ju nevojitet me teper informacion?
Ekspertet tane jane te gatshem t'ju ndihmojne nga ora 9.00 deri ne oren 20.00.
Na telefononi ne: +355 4 22 25 063, +355 68 20 01 988, +355 68 40 51 766 ose na shkruani ne:
ItineraryTourist program "Adventure in the mountains of the Albanian Alps" Program 6 days and 5 nights.(This program is offered to tourists after the stride foot enthusiast and mountain climbing-treiking and hiking)Day One: Departure from Tirana toward Tropojes bus. Travel
may be preferable in two variants: Koman Valley ferry line Koman -
Fierze, or by tunnel and highway in the path of the Nation. Arrival in Tropoja Hero. Hotels in Donegal village lodge. Dinner and Sleep in Donegal.Day Two: Breakfast at Old Tropoja. Organized
tourist groups to march, under the escort of local pilot and two horses
leave for travel load during Tropoja River Gorge vacation stops. Recommended are holidays to Mill Gradit, to leave Bjeshktarve (source), we Shtrejtin Blessed, Roga Pojanes etc.. Tourist Group reaches we Sylbice, we tellen the "thrust Sylbices" accommodate we corralled breeders, (STAN of Halil Qerimi). Dinner and Sleep in Sylbice.Third Day: Breakfast at Tellen "thrust Sylbices". After
several visits and panoramic tourist destinations beautiful mountains,
tourist groups to the accompaniment of local pilot and two horses load,
leaving to Cerem village. Recommended are vacation Doberdol neck, Aries Lake, woods Koshutices, Pyramid etc. 25. From this milestone through Montenegrin territory and cervical Vermica path down Cerem. We Cerem akomodohemi we bujtinen Robert Ismajlisufaj. Dinner and Sleep Cerem.Fourth Day: Breakfast at Cerem. Tourist Group, under the escort of local pilot departs on foot, with a few stops and vacation Ceremi Stan M. Mustafa,
from mountains of Derzhanes achieve pyramid 19 Bor neck and through the
neck of Bor, meadows Zaranices down in Vuthaj Montenegro. Vuthaj
a local minibus transfer transceiver Guci where akomodohemi Bujtinen
Hal Gjonbalaj springs or Gjonbalaj Uk hotel we Gusia. Dinner and Sleep in Gusia.Fifth Day: Breakfast at Guci-Montenegro. Under the escort of local pilot back from Gucia to Vuthaj Valbona destination but in another direction mountain. Make tourist visits in the wonders of nature we Vuthaj, cataract Ground (Gerl) and natural sources (Blue Eye). Then deviate the path in the direction of the old post Montenegrin border. Continuing
climbing mountain trails pass by the path near the top of Rosie - 18
milestones Valbona neck and Lugu i Perzllopit down Kukaj. With
the help of a local mini-transceiver way up the field of gesture where
akomodohemi we bujtinen "Valbona sources" to Mirash Pellumbi. Dinner and Sleep in Valbone.Sixth Day: Breakfast in the Field of gesture - Valbone. Tourist groups after a relaxing stroll in Valbone make restitution for B.Curr with local minibus through Valbona valley. Advise a break for photos in Dragobi, Klysyre and Valbona Shtrejtin. In B. Curr take the bus line to Tirana, where we reach the evening, closed this fantastic adventure program in the Albanian mountains.
Offer price is 23 thousand new money or 165 euros per person when the group is over 10 people.
I. Tourism in this program are provided:
1. Accommodation for 5 nights in hostels corralled with half pension service (dinner, accommodation, breakfast)
2. Prepared lunches Lunch-pack
3. Companion throughout the scholastic career with local pilot for 4 days: on the second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day.
4. Association with horses load on the second day and third day.
5. Transport luggage from Ceremi to Valbone on the fifth day.
6. Transportation by minibus on the sixth day of Valbona we B.Curr
II. Not included in the tour package:
1. Public transport line Tirana - Donegal
2. Public line transport B.Curr - Tirane
3. Additional services Vuthaj (transport, entertainment, etc.)
Tropoje e vjeter, rrasa e Sylbices, Cerem, Guci- Mali i Zi, Fusha e Gjase Valbone.
Have a question or you need more information? Our experts are ready to help from 9.00 to 20.00.
Call us: +355 4 22 25 063, +355 68 20 01 988, +355 68 40 51 766 or write to us:
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