Welcome to Camping Albania and B&B in Bushat-Barbullush North-Albania http://www.camping-albania.eu/
Kur në vitin 2004 të përhershme me tre fëmijët tanë ishin duke jetuar në Shqipëri për të përkrahur projektet e zhvillimit, ne kurrë nuk menduan që ne së pari do të ngritur kamp në Shqipëri, së bashku me miqtë e mirë, një tjetër familje shqiptare. Por është e vërtetë: Camping Shqipëria është një fakt. Shumica e tyre me turistë campers, tenda caravans dhe ishin në gjendje të na gjeni në vitet e fundit. Ata erdhën nga biçikleta, me motor, në këmbë ose me makinë. Me anë të ndryshme të udhëtojë për në faqet e internetit sa më shpejt të jetë e raundit shkoi, të familjes holandisht në veri të Shqipërisë Maj janë gjithmonë ju!
Çfarë bën jetën në mënyrë të posaçme në Shqipëri është e vështirë për të përshkruar. A është e bukur i ndritshëm natën në tarracë gëzojnë ju? A është e miqësore popullatës lokale? A është e mbushur me karroca e gomarit bari të kalojë sytë tuaj?
Apo ndoshta është ajo magji e kthyer në një copë herë. Një kohë ku nuk kemi nxituan, një kohë kur ishte koha e ndoshta vetëm një moment për të gëzuar të jetës. Ejani dhe shkruani përvojë, email ose na telefononi me pyetje specifike. Ne jemi me fat të jetojnë në veri të Shqipërisë e të bukur, me bukur dhe mikpritës popullsisë, e gjerë dhe natyra e mrekullueshme. Kjo do të donim që të ndajnë me ju dhe ju mirëpresim Kampimi tonë në Shqipëri.
Mire se vini, Helene dhe Dick Wesselingh.
When we left Holland in 2004 to live permanently, together with our three children, in Albania to attend and support development projects, we never thought that we would realize the first camping in whole Albania. Camping Albania is a fact now. Many tourists with their campers, caravans and tents were able to find us in recent years. They came by bike, motorcycle, on foot or by car. They put their travelstory’s to various Internet sites, and as soon as the round went; to the Dutch family in northern Albania you can always stay overnight! So we decided to open a campsite and overnightstay for campers.What makes life in Albania so special is difficult to describe. Is it the beautiful starry night on the terrace you enjoy? Is it the friendly local population? Is it the donkey cart filled with grass that pass your eye? Or is it perhaps the magic of a piece back in time. A time where we have not rushed, a time when the time was perhaps a moment; just to be enjoying life. Come experience, and write, email or call us with specific questions. We are lucky to live in the beautiful northern Albania, with its nice and hospitable people and beautiful nature. This we would like to share with you. You're welcome.
Helene and Dick Wesselingh.
WE ARE OPEN THE WHOLE YEARNOTE: According to a recent international report Albania is, like many other Balkan countries, now safer than Western Europe. There is no reason for you in any way to feel unsafe in Albania. During the 17 years we are coming and living in Albania, we never felt unsafe and there never happened something bad. The Albanian population is very hospitable and will do everything to tourists to make them feel like home. Enough reason to throw all the preconceptions about this beautiful country overboard, and to come and discover the last secret of Europe by yourself.
Many motorbikers in recent years found their way to our campsite and B & B. Our camping and B & B offers a 24 hour guarded area, so you can sleep peacefully! There is also a relaxed and friendly atmosphere which many motorriders like. While enjoying a cold beer, you can taste our delicious food, all for a very cheep price. Camping Albania is the ideal base to explore the authentic Albania.
May 2011
Border cross Hani Hotit
The road from the border of Hani Hotit to Shkoder is still very poor by many road-works.
We recommend to take the small border cross by Muriqan. The road is narrow but still to do with a
Border cross Hani Hotit
The road from the border of Hani Hotit to Shkoder is still very poor by many road-works.
We recommend to take the small border cross by Muriqan. The road is narrow but still to do with a
camper / caravan.
50 km road signs Shkoder-Tirana / Tirana, Shkoder
The last time there is a strong speed control along the Albanian roads. Observe the speed as
50 km road signs Shkoder-Tirana / Tirana, Shkoder
The last time there is a strong speed control along the Albanian roads. Observe the speed as
indicated on the signs. The police are friendly to tourists but we recommend that you drive to
the specified speed.
Car Insuranceat the border
Many insurers do not insure a vehicle for Albania. At the border, you can simply take a car insur
Car Insuranceat the border
Many insurers do not insure a vehicle for Albania. At the border, you can simply take a car insur
ance to the Austrian insurer Sigal for a temporary time in Albania.
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