Properties in tourist areas are expected to exceed the jurisdiction of a single institution that may be the Ministry of Tourism. We designed draft is intended that this ministry may be the institution that properties having jurisdiction shall have the right to give permission for the construction of major projects such as resorts. The bill which is still the minister, is expected to pass soon for government approval. But such leave is expected to stir debate, especially when it comes to give real solutions to create chaos in the years even in tourist areas. On the other side of the market operators believe that work should begin by drafting a master plan that will provide adequate security at major investments in the Albanian tourism. Tourism in our country is concentrated mostly in the family. Many individuals are accommodated with rental apartments and hotels with little use.
DISCOVER and LOVE ALBANIA. KRIJUAR për t'ju lehtesuar kerkimet e informacioneve rreth Shqipërinë Turistike .... MENDONI sikur i njihni bukurit qe ofron Shqiperia, KENI DèGJUAR për te dhe vendet e saja përrallore. Shqipëria nuk kujtohet vetëm në zemër, NE ju japim mundësin qe te njihni arteriet HISTORIKE & KULTURORE qe shtrihen ne token Shqiptare .
11 maggio 2012
Ligji për turizmin dhe zonat turistike 2012
Properties in tourist areas are expected to exceed the jurisdiction of a single institution that may be the Ministry of Tourism. We designed draft is intended that this ministry may be the institution that properties having jurisdiction shall have the right to give permission for the construction of major projects such as resorts. The bill which is still the minister, is expected to pass soon for government approval. But such leave is expected to stir debate, especially when it comes to give real solutions to create chaos in the years even in tourist areas. On the other side of the market operators believe that work should begin by drafting a master plan that will provide adequate security at major investments in the Albanian tourism. Tourism in our country is concentrated mostly in the family. Many individuals are accommodated with rental apartments and hotels with little use.
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