19 luglio 2016

Skyscanner/ Dhjetë kështjellat më të bukura në Evropë. Kështjella e Krujës e dyta

Skyscanner kishte në një shkrim kishte përshkruar 10 kështjellat më të bukura në botë. Kruja e kishte listuar në vendin e dytë. Në këtë listë prej dhjetë kështjellave më të bukura, vendin e parë e zë Kështjella në Bran të Rumanisë, kurse në vendin e dhjetë Kështjella e Chillinghamit në Angli. Në lartësinë prej 557 metrave, Kështjella e Krujës reflekton esencën e guximit me të cilën ajo u ndërtua. Pasi u rezistoi tre rrethimeve të mëdha nga turqit në shekullin e IV-të, kjo kështjellë, nën udhëheqjen historike të Gjergj Kastriotit Skënderbeut i rezistoi pushtimit otoman me një guxim të skajshëm, thuhet në përshkrimin e kësaj liste. Poashtu përmendet se figura e Skënderbeut është ende një figurë e nderuar në Shqipëri, i njohur për taktikat e tij ushtarake. Kalaja e Krujës është objekti kryesor turistik i qytetit të Krujës. Kështjella është ngritur gjatë shekujve të V-VI. Ajo ka trajtë eliptike me një perimetër prej 804 metrash. Muret rrethuese janë të përforcuara nga 9 kulla. Në pjesën më të lartë në veri–lindje ngrihet kulla e Sahatit, e cila shërbente për vrojtim dhe sinjalizim me kalanë e Petrelës dhe Durrësin. Muzeu ndodhet në hyrjen kryesore të kështjellës. Muzeu është përuruar në vitin 1982. Krahas stendave që shpjegojnë veprimtarinë e Skënderbeut në muzeum ndodhen edhe biblioteka, dokumente dhe botime që lidhen me figurën e Skënderbeut. Muzeu ka karakterin e një memoriali dhe ka elemente të tilla si harqe guri, piktura në xham etj. Brenda mureve të kalasë gjenden disa shtëpi dhe Teqeja e Dollmasë. Në perëndim të kështjellës ruhet edhe hamami i shek XV. Kalaja gjendet në një kodër të gurtë , që mendohet se para tërmetit të v.1617 ka qenë e lidhur me malin e Krujës. Ka një pamje të gjerë që shkon deri në malin e Tomorit (jug), detin Adriatik (perëndim) dhe deri në Ulqin (veri). Forma e kalasë është eliptike dhe sipërfaqja e saj është 2.25 Ha.Trashësia e mureve shkon nga 0.8 deri 1.5 m. Ndërtimi i kalasë daton në shek.VI-VII, duke u rindërtuar më pas nga bizantinët (shek.XI-XII) dhe osmanët në (shek.XVI-XVII). Kështjella ka dy hyrje. Hyrja kryesore (nga veriu) është një tunel i gurtë me çati të harkuar dhe me disa bodrume. Ka dhe një hyrje të dytë shumë të vogël (në pjesën perëndimore të kalasë). Brenda territorit të kalasë ka shumë rrënoja dhe pjesë të mbetura të kalasë, ku më të rëndësishmet janë kulla e sahatit, kisha e Shën Ndreut, xhamia e Fatihut, hamamet (banjot mesjetare), teqeja e Dollmës, banesa mesjetare etj. Në brendësi të kalasë gjenden dy muze kombëtarë.
helter, quarantines, ghosts, histories and love stories – castles have them all! So, if you were to visit Europe, which would be the 10 secret castles you might want to visit?Skyscanner has picked out the best ones for you.

1. Bran Castle, Romania

Located near Bran in Romania of South Eastern Europe, this regal fortress stands majestically on the border of Wallachia andTransylvania. It is most famous for the personality - Count Vlad Dracul (Prince of Wallachia) that inspired Bram Stroker's character – Dracula. Although Count Vlad Dracul was born in Sighisoara (Transylvania) and, history has no proof that he lived here, this castle associates the history of vampires with his name. The bastion of this castle is an architectural wonder as the beautiful stone staircase hidden by wooden beams that are cobweb shaped, gives a beautiful lighting effect when the sunlight creeps in through the beams. Bran Castle is one of Romania's strong tourist attractions, as vampire legends are bound to draw book lovers and historians from around the world to this beautiful castle. Besides, the house where Count Dracul was born is now a restaurant emulating gothic themes that serves traditional Romanian cuisines. So do not be surprised if you are served with a steak on a stake that is coloured red with ketchup! Check prices to Romania
Bran Castle A glance at this castle will make all those Dracula stories come alive in your memory

2. Krujë Castle, Albania

Located in South Eastern Europe in the small city of Krujë at a height of 557 mts, this castle reflects the quintessence of the architectural chutzpah this castle was built with. Having withstood three massive sieges from Turks in the 15th century, this castle under the heroic tutelage of Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg resisted Ottoman Turkish invasion with extreme bravery. Skanderbeg is still a revered name in Albania attributed to his impeccable military tactics. In one of the unsuccessful attempts of siege by Turks, Skanderbeg misled the Turks by sending a herd of goats with burning candles tied to their horns around the castle who assumed it to be an offensive attack. Post which, Skanderbeg launched a powerful counter attack and defeated the Turks. It was only after his death, the Ottomans seized the castle and controlled it till 1912. Krujë castle has a well maintained museum that has documented and commemoratedSkanderbeg's possessions and his role in the Albanian history. The castle is reachable from Tirana, the capital of Albania by mini-buses. Check prices to Albania
Krujë Castle Krujë Castle has withstood three massive sieges

3. Koter's Castle of San Giovanni, Montenegro

Located in South Eastern Europe's coast of Adriatic Sea, Koter Montenegro is surrounded by Croatia, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia. The beautiful mountain castle of San Giovannioverlooking the southern most cliff of Koter, was built around 9th century and has been a part of various regimes like the Bulgarian Empire, Serbian and Venetian Republic, the Ottomans, the French, British and Italians too. It was in 2006, Montenegro became an independent country. The city and the castle have endured many invasions and the inscription on the city gate says it all, "What belongs to others we don't want, what is ours we will never surrender." Check prices to Montenegro
Koter's Castle of San Giovanni The beautiful mountain castle of San Giovanni overlooking the southern most cliff of Koter, was built around 9th century

4. Tsarevets Castle, Bulgaria

In the capital city Veliko Tarnovo of Bulgaria, stands a medieval architectural marvel at an altitude of 206 m - the Tsarevets Castle. It was one of the primary fortresses for the Bulgarian Empire from 1185 to 1393. This massive fortress has three entrances: the main entrance in the west, the second entrance also known as Asenova Gate located in the North West and, the third entrance known as theFrenkhisarska Gate in the South West.Frenkhisarska Gate was guarded by Baldwin's tower that was named after the famous Latin Emperor Baldwin of Flanders. In the north side of this castle, overlooking the Yantra river existed an execution window from where traitors were thrown into the river. Later, a monastery was constructed here in the 16th century. The central region of the fortress comprises of the royal palace, two battle entrances and two battle towers. The palatial complex contains the Royal church, the Throne room and the Royal chambers. The castle is a rich tourist attraction where laser shows are conducted in the night. Check prices to Bulgaria
Tsarevets Castle The Tsarevets Castle was one of the primary fortresses for the Bulgarian Empire

5. Château de Commarque,France

Located in the Dordogne region of South western France, this castle stands regally on a rocky projection in the river valley of La Beune. It was constructed in the 12th century on request of the abbot of Sarlat. Initially, it had a simple wooden tower that was erected for religious purposes. However, the tower was replaced later by a stone tower as the castle was expanded further to fortify its location.Château De Commarque has stood through the historical times of the Hundred Years War and the French wars of Religion, a time when Catholics took over the Protestants. The untouched beauty of the surroundings, the isolation of the castle and the rich French history of this place is truly a delight for historians. Also, the castle is believed to have been constructed over a prehistoric cave. Check prices to France
Château de Commarque Château de Commarque stands regally on a rocky pin by the river valley of La Beune

6. Dunluce Castle, Ireland

Located in Northern Ireland, this medieval castle was constructed on the edge of a basaltic protrusion of the North Antrim coastline. Although in ruins now, this castle served as one of the best fortified structures for over 1000 years according to historical excerpts. The first mention of this castle was made by McQuillan family in 1513, who inhabited this castle and made some more constructions around it. The primal features in this castle included two huge drum towers, each 30 feet in diameter located on the eastern side of the fortress. Currently, this castle is under the care and protection of Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
Dunluce Castle Dunluce Castle served as one of the best fortified structures for over 1000 years

7. Charleville Castle, Ireland

This gothic styled castle is located in County Offaly of Ireland. Designed by renowned architect, Francis Johnston and built by Charles William Bury (Earl of Charleville), Charleville castle is an architectural beauty that has witnessed the victory over French invasion in the soil, three times. The castle was built in the time frame spanning from 1798 and 1810 and, bears the skilled craftsmanship of the Irish. It is rumoured that the land over which the castle was built was an ancient monastery that was a sacred Druid site. And, rumours still run wild about ghost sightings and paranormal occurrences. However, the castle is now open to the public for wedding ceremonies, film shoots and concerts. Check prices to Ireland
Charleville Castle Charleville Castle is best known for its ghost sightings and paranormal occurrences

8. Edinburg Castle, Scotland

Constructed over an extinct volcano in the 9th century, this age old fortress has stood through countless wars, revolutions and conflicts. With Archeological studies hinting at strong evidence of connecting the fortress to the time of Iron Age, this stately castle contains vaults, a labyrinth of underground tunnels and dungeons that were supposedly used for torturing prisoners of war. The underground maze of tunnels is connected to 120 rooms and the entire area is known as the Crown Square. The vaults were probably used for quarantine purposes during endemic plague breakouts. In the 1600s, Edinburg Castle served as a strong military base and, given its overwhelming history of wars between the English and the Scots, this castle still retains its military significance. Now, as a part of Edinburg World Heritage site, it is one of the country's iconic tourist attractions. Check prices to Scotland
Edinburg Castle Edinburg Castle has stood through countless wars, revolutions and conflicts.

9. Predjama Castle, Slovenia

Located in Southern part of Central Europe,Predjama Castle of Slovenia is a 700 year old impregnable castle that stands on a 123 meter cliff. The castle contains living quarters, a chapel and a dungeon. However, the most intriguing part about this castle is the construction as the entire structure is built underneath an arch formed by the rocks, which is precisely why the castle does not grant an easy access. The first mention of this gothic styled architectural wonder was in the year 1274. The notable mention about the castle's history is about the legendary robber baron,Erazem of Predjama. The castle is now preserved as a museum and it holds fascinating artefacts like weapons and paintings from the bygone era. PredjamaCastle is said to be haunted and, was also featured on one of the episodes of the Ghost Hunters International on the Sci-Fi channel. Check prices to Slovenia
Predjama Castle The entire structure of Predjama Castle is built underneath an arch formed by the rocks

10. Chillingam Castle,England

Famous for ghost sightings and paranormal occurrences in recent times, Chillingam castle of Northumberland in England was constructed around the 12th century as a monastery. It was home to King Edward I who battled the infamous Scottish army general – William Wallace in 1298. Leaving aside its historical significance and the popularity garnered by paranormal occurrences in recent times, this castle is available to the public for private functions and weddings. It is currently owned by the famous historian Sir Humphry Wakefieldwho is a baronet and a certified expert on architecture and historical artefacts. For people who love spending their vacation in the country side, there cannot be a better option than this castle.https://www.skyscanner.co.in/news/inspiration/10-secret-castles-europe/

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