DISCOVER and LOVE ALBANIA. KRIJUAR për t'ju lehtesuar kerkimet e informacioneve rreth Shqipërinë Turistike .... MENDONI sikur i njihni bukurit qe ofron Shqiperia, KENI DèGJUAR për te dhe vendet e saja përrallore.
Shqipëria nuk kujtohet vetëm në zemër, NE ju japim mundësin qe te njihni arteriet HISTORIKE & KULTURORE qe shtrihen ne token Shqiptare .
21 luglio 2016
Daily Mail shkrim për ariun e ”burgosur” në kafazin e Kopshtit Zoologjik, Tiranë
Disa kilometra larg Tiranës në një restorant në malet e bukura të Shqipërisë mbahet i mbyllur në kafaz një ari i vetmuar dhe i dëshpëruar. Kjo është pasqyra që Daily Mail bën për ariun që me forcë është zhvendosur nga pylli duke u detyruar të jetojë brenda një kafazi dhe të argëtojë turistët që e vizitojnë.
‘’Ata filmojnë video me smartfonët e tyre, bëjnë selfie dhe nëse janë në humor e ushqejnë edhe me ëmbëlsira dhe patetina, ndërkohë që pronari ndonjëherë i jep birrë që ai të shuajë etjen. Humori i ariut Tomi është i luhatshëm. Ndonjëherë më të dëgjuar erën e ushqimit ai lëviz në drejtim të vizitorëve dhe i vështron ata me shpresën se do t’i japin diçka. Në raste të tjera ai lëviz i dëshpëruar në kafazin e tij të vogël duke goditur veten me gjymtyrët e tij’’, shkruan britanikja.
Një ekspert i kujdesit për kafshët shprehet se kjo sjellje agresive e Tomit vjen si pasojë e mbylljes së tij në kafaz 24 orë ne ditë. Dy vite më parë ai jetonte i lirë në male, ndërkohë që tani është i detyruar të argëtojë turistët brenda hekurave dhe i rrethuar nga mbeturinat.
Lonely, desperate and so bored he bites himself: Distressing footage reveals plight of brown bear Tomi who is kept in a tiny cage 24 hours a day and must beg for scraps of junk food as a restaurant tourist attraction in Albania
By Stephen Wright In Albania For Mailonline09:54 GMT 20 Jul 2016, updated 13:53 GMT 20 Jul 2016
Tomi is kept in a run-down restaurant in mountains of Albania where diners can watch the animal as they eat
He displays disturbing behaviour such as chewing limbs and spasms - a result of 'unbearable' living condition
But his owner who hunted him down with a tranquiliser gun simply blames boredom and sees no problems
Bear is desperately hungry relying on sweets and crisps from visitors and can be seen begging, paws outstretched
He is one of 80 caged bears across Albania and animal welfare campaigners are demanding urgent end to cruelty
Reliant on the generosity of passers-by for his daily diet of junk food, he cuts a lonely and desperate figure.
Crowds flock to see Tomi the brown bear in his ‘home’ - a tiny cage next to a run-down restaurant in beautiful mountains 40 miles north of the Albanian capital Tirana.
They take videos of him on their smart-phones, pose for selfies, and if feeling kind give him sweets, cake and crisps. His owner occasionally gives him beer to quench his thirst.
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Tomi’s mood fluctuates.
Sometimes, when he can smell food, he cups his paws in a begging motion and gazes hopefully in the direction of the customers.
Occasionally he puts his jaws through the iron bars and sticks out his tongue, clinging to the hope that someone might feed him.
In other moments, he paces around his cage intensely, and then goes into what appears to be a self-harming spasm – biting his limbs while shaking his head violently.
His owner blames the distressing behaviour on ‘boredom’ but insists there is nothing wrong with locking up Tomi for 24 hours a day.
An animal welfare expert said it is the result of ‘extremely monotonous and confined living conditions’ which, he added, are ‘unbearable’ for him.
Until two years ago, Tomi roamed the mountains, woodland and river across the road from the eatery where he is now a very reluctant tourist attraction.
Then the man who runs the restaurant, who refuses to reveal his name, came up with his sickening idea of taking the bear out of his natural habitat - in a bid to boost takings.
He said he paid a vet to hunt Tomi down with a tranquiliser gun.
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