Shkodra is perhaps the spinal cord for Albania, the contribution of this city is as genuin and irreplaceable in the Albanian world,ancient and modern history in sport and culture, in the idealism ofcivilization. Shkodra is a unique city in Albania for its geographical position: lying between the three rivers (Kir, Drini, Buna) and itslake, the city is also just a few miles from the Adriatic Sea, and thus, a few hours away from the heart of the Albanian Alps,Theth. With an average height of 10-12m above sea level, thebody of Shkodra lays up on soft hills of green, clearing the lungs of the city

Population,people; The population of the city of Shkodra is homogeneous. Considering natural growth after the 2003 census, the city can have over 115,000 inhabitants actually. Administratively, Shkodra was the center of the prefecture (county), which includes the districts of Puke and Anime Great. Shkodra district administers two municipalities and 16 municipalities. People in Shkodra are very communicable, humorous and more benign. Although the city takes part in one of the poorest areas of Albania, Shkodra are generous, hospitable and big spending, so that the overall impression is that Shkodra are given to indulge. They do not show signs of racism, xenophobia, religious or political intolerance, whether long the city policy has not changed color. Shkodra inhabitants are sometimes indifferent to each other, but become fast in solidarity with foreigners, whenever necessary.
Transport and costs; Shkodra has around 120 km of internal roads. The town itself is located about 99 km from Tirana,related to Kosovo through the street of Kukes. The city is connected to the inner rail and the international by Hani Hotit Station - 35 km. City linked is with the Port of Durres road, 131 km, with the port of Shengjin - 55 km and the airport - 95 km.
Origin and history; SΚΟΔRΙΝΩΝ (Latin Scodra) can be interpreted as Drin go (go Drino). Another variant is that of theTurks, who were surprised of the battles of local fighters, thought Shkodra were descendants of Alexander the Great(Skender, according to them) and called the town name or Işkenderiyye İşkodra. However, the area around the site wherethey put the city has been inhabited since prehistoric times, for they have found traces of the middle Paleolithic, and thatthe excavations have revealed Neolithic lifestyle that comes up constantly in our day. These archaeological finds are preserved in the Museum of the City.

To visit; The city of Shkodra thanks values bears, but thanks alignment between an extraordinary natural diversity, is visited by tourists all over the year and offers varied tourism, from the cultural, historical, coastal, lake, river andmountain and the adventure, which by Velipoja in the Adriatic, the Zogaj and Shiroka at the lake shore, Sarda in Vau i Dejes up to Razëm, Shkrel, Bog of Theth in Vermosh, through the Highland of many other points. Castle Rozafa / 200leke. Rozafa Castle is the oldest historical monument. Builds on a strategic hill, at the meeting of the rivers Drin andBuna in the south and with free view on Shkodra Lake in the northwest, to control the area from the sea to the west andeast, over the depth of the Balkan country. Legend says that the castle was built by three brothers: that it stood, theywere forced to mure alive the wife of the younger brother, who declined to be sacrificed, asking to leave her right breast outside in order to feed the baby and the hand to caress him and dangle the cradle. Archaeological excavations indicate that the castle is one of the earliest settlements of Shkodra basin, inhabited around 4000 years ago. In 80 years, the castle has become a total restoration. Within the ancient walls is a museum dedicated to history and legend of the castle. To the main gate to get to by car, through a partially paved road and partly cobbled.
In and out of Shkodra; Shkodra lake. This area, for tourism worthy blue, green and it is a strong tourist potential, butnowadays, there is no adequate infrastructure to be attended. However tourists can make shtëtitje adventure in theseareas, be sure it will taste wonderful panorama.
Shiroka dhe Zogaj . Along the lake,lay Zogaj and Shiroka, where small restaurants welcome many visitors daily,under the menu dishes rich in fish known lake, carp. Along the shore of Lake Shkodra Taverna also awaits you, a verycharming restaurant, which offers rich cuisine of the lake. Velipoja. In the SW of the city of Shkodra, 29 km away, liesthe beautiful beach Velipoja 14 km length of 300 m width, which creates numerous opportunities for tourist use. Thiscoast is a gem of Albanian nature, which intertwine as rounded sea, river, beach, forest, lagoon . Velipoja reserve. Marshes, vegetation and birds constitute one of the rare values in Albania. It kept quiet, able spontaneous, natural.Razma. At the foot of the mountain Veleçikut, about 41 km from the city of Shkodra, is one of the most beautiful andhealthy climate of the Alps, Razma. Here, amid the pines, meadows, alpine pastures and mountain landscapes, isbuilding a housing complex of alpine type. The road, the necessary network of trade and restaurants are a good level Thethi. In NE of the city of Shkodra, about 80 km away, in the heart of the Alps, is the picturesque village of Theth. Lake Koman. If you wish to make an unforgettable walk through valleys, canyons and unusual landscapes, navigate tothe Koman Lake, located 30 km from the city. Koman village located nearby, where was discovered a cemetery of the 6-8 century, which relates to the culture of early Albanian society. Kelmendi. It is a natural area quite large, rugged, with high diversity geomorphologic and biological. Beech and coniferous forests are among the most beautiful of our country. Cemi river passes through Kelmendi,it is among the most beautiful rivers in the country. His trout are famous. Sarda. 15 km away from the city of Shkodra is Sarda island, which still preserves traces of a medieval civilization and offers excellent opportunities to develop tourism strolling. What is left of civilization, is the entrance of a giant Roman-style palace and the ruins of a church.
Excavations; During the First World War, namely in the years 1916-1918, and Shober Prashniker Austrian archaeologists undertook the first archaeological excavations in Apolonia. Their mission was organized by the Vienna Academy of Sciences, which in cooperation with the military command of Austro-Hungary, was aimed at tracing the areas occupied archaeological objects and sending them to Vienna. At Apollonia, Prashnikeri dug at some point the city as the acropolis, flats, necropolis and the surrounding wall. He collected many items, most of which took in the monastery of Apolonia and surrounding churches. Prashnikeri published the results of excavations and studies in his book: "Muzaka and Mallakastra" which was published in Vienna in 1920. With the creation of the Albanian state inApollonia started the "era" of proper archaeological excavation. In the years 1924-1939 worked here the French mission,which is funded by the Academy of Fine Arts and French Society of Archaeology. The mission was led by archaeologistLeon Rey, who over the years developed 15 excavation campaigns, revealing dust from the oblivion of centuries for the ancient city. Results of the French mission were successful. Thus in 1924 was discovered two Roman houses, while in1925-1929 came to light new porch. In 1930 it was determined the location of the old necropolis in Kryegjate. But thisyear it was revealed the buleterionit buildings, while in 1932 it was discovered the odeon, libraries, part of the city wallsand many important items. Rei published the results of his work in the magazine:''Big'', body French archaeologicalmission. With the objects detected in Apolonia opened on October 8, 1936 in Vlora, the archaeological museum: "Zogu I ". His building served as a part of the house that had been the seat of government of Ismail Kamal. This museum wasrobbed by the Italian army in 1939, when Albania was invaded by them. But this year the Italian authorities allowed the French archaeological mission working at Apollonia and replaced with an archaeological italian expedition. In 1945 LeonRei tried again Attempt to restore jobs that have left half the Apolonia, but the Communist authorities banned it. Thus, in 1941 resumed excavations under the direction of archaeologist Claudio Sestieri. Their outcome was the discovery of a gymnasium, a part of the perimeter wall and a building near the monastery walls. Further developments led to war, Sestieri to escape from Albania and the archaeological excavations were interrupted for a short period. They resumedafter the war but in other conditions. First Albanian archaeologist, who was involved in excavations at Apollonia wasHasan Ceka. He began work in 1930 as a representative of the Albanian Ministry of Education and Culture, near theFrench archaeological mission. After War World II, in 1948, Hasan